If you have concerns about your child’s safety when they bike near traffic, or you regularly ride a bicycle yourself, it is extremely important to understand the risk factors associated with bike accidents. You should also go over statistics on these accidents in order to understand how many cyclists suffer serious injuries and lose their lives each year.
Unfortunately, many bike accidents take place as a result of negligent drivers who get behind the wheel while drunk, speed or use their phones on the road. These reckless drivers must answer for the consequences of a crash.
The impact of bike accidents
Data published on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s site shows that 49,000 pedal cyclists sustained injuries in motor vehicle collisions over the course of 2019, based on estimates. Additionally, this represents a 5.4% increase in comparison to 2018, when an estimated 47,000 pedal cyclists suffered injuries in motor vehicle collisions.
Aside from injuries, these accidents claim many lives. Throughout 2019, 846 pedal cyclists died in traffic crashes, representing 2.3% of all traffic accident deaths throughout the year.
Reviewing bike accident risk factors
The NHTSA states that 78% of fatal pedal cyclist accidents took place on urban roads during 2019, and males were six times more likely to die in comparison to females (and five times more likely to become injured). Based on estimates, 12% of deadly pedal cyclist accidents involved drunk drivers with a BAC level of .08 or greater, and more took place in the summer than other times of the year.
Additionally, 64% of these fatal accidents occurred outside of intersections, which highlights the importance of remaining vigilant whenever you ride a bike near traffic.