Fighting Criminal Charges
Being charged with a crime is a critical event in your life. Even being investigated can be greatly disruptive. Some people lose their jobs and their reputations after being accused of a criminal offense. Prompt legal counsel is essential if you have the chance to get a lawyer on your side even before charges are filed.
At Carey & Stewart, PLLC, our defense attorneys represent people who face misdemeanor and felony allegations across West Virginia, Ohio, and western Pennsylvania.
Examples Of Criminal Charges That Lead Our Clients To Seek Help
In every case, whatever the charge, there is one constant – much is riding on the outcome. Aside from the criminal penalties, a criminal conviction could have long-lasting negative consequences in other aspects of your life. Contact us if you have been accused of a criminal offense such as the following:
- DUI/DWI involving drugs or alcohol
- Traffic violations, such as reckless driving
- Domestic violence, even after someone takes back their accusations
- Theft, including white collar crimes
- Larceny or petty theft
- Fraud, forgery money laundering or wire fraud
- Assault and battery or aggravated assault
- Drug crimes involving marijuana, heroin, cocaine, crack cocaine and possession or distribution of prescription narcotics without authorization
- Robbery or aggravated robbery
- Sexual assault, rape and other sex crimes
- Homicide, including murder and manslaughter
- Probation or parole violations
We have also helped clients with convictions obtain expungements of their criminal records.
Beware A Third Strike Charge In West Virginia
West Virginia law mandates harsher sentences when someone is convicted of a third felony crime. If you, a family member or a loved one is facing charges that would be a third, fourth or even fifth “strike,” contact us immediately.
Let us evaluate your West Virginia third-strike criminal case as soon as possible. We also welcome inquiries about other particularly challenging cases in West Virginia, Ohio, or Pennsylvania. Let us begin the process of protecting your interests while pursuing an outcome in your favor.
An Effective Defense Challenges The Prosecution
In every criminal case, the prosecution must prove each part of the charge beyond a reasonable doubt. A knowledgeable defense lawyer will be able to identify possible weaknesses in the prosecution’s case and use these weaknesses to work toward a more favorable outcome.
Even if the prosecution’s case is strong, we still may be able to find some way to reduce the consequences of a criminal conviction. Every step we take in your case will be aimed at achieving a result in your best interests.
Contact Carey & Stewart, PLLC, Without Delay
If you face criminal charges in northern West Virginia, Ohio, or western Pennsylvania, you should not wait to get an attorney’s evaluation of your case. Call us at 304-914-3577 or use our easy intake form to inquire about legal representation.