Attorneys James T. Carey and P. Zachary Stewart

Pursuing your Claims. Protecting your Rights.

What steps should you take after a truck accident?

On Behalf of | Oct 18, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents, Personal Injury

Commercial trucks are regularly seen on the roads in West Virginia. While most truck drivers are safe, accidents can still occur. If you’re involved in a truck accident, there are important steps to take.

Call 911

After checking for injuries, the first thing you should do after a truck accident is call 911. The police will have to come to make an accident report. An ambulance should also arrive to administer medical assistance to anyone who needs it and to take any injured victims to the hospital.

You can ask the police officer where to obtain a copy of the accident report for your records. It’s strong evidence for a personal injury claim.

Get medical attention

Medical attention is essential after a truck accident. You might believe you’re not injured, but symptoms can show up hours later and could only worsen without treatment. You could have internal injuries, which should receive prompt care.

Document the scene of the accident

If you’re physically capable, you should document the accident scene. Take pictures of the truck and your vehicle, the road, skid marks and any damage relevant to the accident. You might want to take photos of the weather or road conditions if they might have played a role.

Exchange names with the truck driver. Get their contact information, license plate and driver’s license information and insurance information. Ask the trucker for the trucking company’s name and contact information as well.

You should also get the names and contact information of witnesses. Record their statements about the accident if you’re up to it.

Contact your insurance company

Inform your insurance company of the truck accident. Be succinct and don’t give out too many details.

These are some of the most important things to do after a truck accident.

